Thursday, May 5, 2011

may 5 from aire-sur-l'adour

i am using a french keyboard again so will be typing in lower case and will probably have a number of typos. such is the life of a 21st century pilgrim. this is our second day in aire-sur-l'adour which is in the department of landes so we are no longer in gers.  we are staying in a very interesting hotel which has an eight bed dorm for pilgrims at 13 euros a night including breakfast. even if i could post photos they would not convey what a funky place this is. our dorm is on the second floor. the two toilets are on the half landings below and above our floor. the stairs slope badly but then so do the landings so once again a photo would not be able to convey the feeling.  somehow it all works.
yesterday a young canadian couple was once again in the dorm with us. they have gone on ahead but i will probably catch up  with them again. we first met them in conques.
  a french mother and middle aged daughter were also with us but they headed back to their respective homes this morning.  one of the things i have enjoyed seeing is the number of parents and child/ren walkers we have encountered. even the younger children seem to be genuinely enjoying themselves.
well, yesterday i mailed my down sleeping bag back to the u.s.  about a week ago i had purchased a cotton bag liner and that, in combination with the blankets in the hostels, has been enough to keep me warm. the liner was quite narrow so today i bought some cotton material and took it to a seamstress who sewed me a new liner.
i do not think i have mentioned previously the problem of bedbugs that has swept along the camino (chemin in france). so far we have not encountered any but we have a spray that is supposed to keep them away. at each new hostel/gite we spray the beds, the blankets and the floor around our beds. weekly we spray our liners and packs. this is another reason i am glad to be sending my down sleeping bag home.
well, my half hour on the hotel's computer is up so i will end for now. thanks to all who are commenting (robin i do not have your email address so can you give it to me?).  feel free to email and text me with any news or stories. i can receive text messages for free but sending texts costs money. and sooner or later i will find another computer or a free wifi spot so i can check emails and post another update.


  1. Always good to hear from you and know you are pilgiming right along. And good to know that you are avoiding the bedbugs (ewwww) for now. I hear they are all over the good old USA as well. Bright, very bright, evening here in the Arctic. My packing is moving along slowly--first rummage sale this Saturday--will start mailing boxes out tomorrow. Hard to believe I am really leaving. Hope I do as well with the transition as you have! Take care, post when you can, and walk happy. Jay

  2. Hello Karen, what did you write? it is 5 years ago, that you/we have been in spain? Oh my goodness; when I ask my heart, it only can be one or two years ago. Anyway, you are on your way and that's sooo great. You wrote about the french landscape, friends, the terrific food. I guess, you feel fine and enjoy your trip! I would love to be with least I can do it by mail!
    Thinking of you in spain I always have these pictutres in my mind with your inflamed feet and how brave you have been, walking day by day. So, this time you enjoy it even more, that's good! Even great to read, that you saw parents with their kids walking the camino. Who knows, perhaps I can convince Greta (who is 16 months now) to walk with me, ona day. Hey, don't bother yourself with that french keyboard, your writing is absolutely fine. So, now I wish you all the best for the next days and weeks, say hello to Gitte and Chris, who I met once in spain and enjoy your life. I will join you the next time - but go to bed now, sleep well. Yours, Mathias
