Wednesday, May 18, 2011

May 18 from Zubiri in Spain

Walked 22 km from Roncesvalles to Zubiri. The time went by quickly because it was generally a gentle downhill walk and I spent much of the time chatting with a German woman from the gite in Hunto.
I am having to adjust to the Camino with its rush of people vs the intimacy of the Chemin/GR 65 in France. If I got a good night's sleep it would help. Last night was my third bad night in a row. The snoring wasn't too bad. Rather, my bunk was right by the men's toilet. There were 70 people on our floor. Everytime someone went in or out of the men's bathroom they let the door slam. Lights went out at 10 pm but there were still men talking loudly in the bathroom past that time. No doubt they chose to have their conversations there because it wouldn't bother anyone. Then starting at 4:30am people were up and slamming the bathroom door in preparation for an early start in the day.
There were 210 pilgrims in our hostel/albergue. Latecomers went into overflow in the old albergue. A German woman from Hunto (different fro the one I walked and chatted with today) said there were about 100 people in the overflow albergue.
All these people are now heading towards Santiago. The day before there were probably another 300 and tomorrow there will be another 300.
My albergue in Zubiri only has room for 24 and the municipal albergue in Zubiri has room for 52.
So there could be times when it is difficult to find a place to stay and you will then have to continue to the next town which might already be full.
I don't mean to be negative. I am just explaining the complications you face on the Camino Francea which we did not have to worry about (too much) in France.


  1. Hey! I don't think you are being negative, just realistic. The nights do sound tough, and the walk sounds crowded. I trust your experience over all will be exceptional, once you figure out how to ge some sleep. Are you keeping ajournal? Taking any photos? Thinking of you. Travel safely and well. Best!

  2. Hey Karen, Roncesvalles was the place to start for me five years ago. I really remember very well the allbergue. I am very sorry about the snorring in the nights. Didn't you ever think of using these wax bowl for the ears? I use them, especially as my wife is snorring like hell weach night. Anyway, now I know, when you have birthday! Aaaaall the best to you, happy birthday and a big big hug from germany!!
    Take care, enjoy each mile and sleep well in your poncho.
    Yours, mathias

  3. I think I would have gotten up and walked in the night just to keep from committing some kind of criminal act at the last slam of the men's bathroom door...My teeth were on edge just reading your account. You know I would have made a scene!! But it's funny too - for us anyways!!! wow...what an adventure...Take care and hope the sleeping bag thing doesn't come back to haunt you!!! LOL!!
