Monday, May 30, 2011

May 30 from Ages in Castilla y Leon

Only a few minutes on the computer so this will be a quick update.  Walked 23 km yesterday and 28 km today.  I am 22.5 km from Burgos and 522 km from Santiago.  My flight departs Madrid early on the 25th so I need to reach Santiago no later than the 23rd of June.  That way I can attend the pilgrim mass on the 24th - where the announce the starting points and nationalities of all the pilgrims who arrived the previous day - and then catch a train to Madrid.
Today is Memorial Day and I knew I would be walking past a memorial for the spanish civil war.  So, at the town before I got a diet-coke to carry with me. I remembered the memorial from last time but I think new plaques have been added. they explain that the memorial is to honor the 300 republicans who were killed there by franco´s supporters in the early months of the spanish civil war in 1936.  I drank my diet coke and had some minutes of silent reflection about those 300 who had been shot dead on the spot because of their political believes.   I also thought of  my own family members and friends who have served in the US military in WWII and subsequent actions.
So I hope everyone had a chance to spend some time in refelction today.  And I hope that all of you are well. 
I wish you could be here to enjoy this experience with me.  Every day is full of adventures and decisions to be made.  Last time I had insisted that Julien and Kim and I stay at the monastery at San Juan de Ortega because it would be a true pilgrim experience.  It was also the coldest, dampest and most miserable night of the 2006 Camino!  This time we passed by San Juan de Ortega although we did confirm that the beds still sagged and that everything was still damp in the albergue in the monastery.  Five years ago we couldn´t wait to get to the next village four km away the next morning where we consumed the best and warmest cafe con leche and tortilla (spanish not mexican) you can imagine.  That town was Ages where I am staying tonight.

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