Wednesday, April 20, 2011

april 20 from corbarieu near montaubon (near moissac)

unfortunately i am once again using a french computer with french keyboard configuration. so please continue to overlook spelling and other errors.
we have been enjoying a week at marie-helene's house at corbarieu near montaubon. it is all fairly close to moissac from whence we will begin walking again on monday. on saturday we will go back to being pilgrims. marie-helene will drop us off in moissac and we will go back to hostel living. we will also be able to attend the easter service at the beautiful cathedral there. 
if all goes well chris and gitte will join me until st jean pied de port which is on the french side of the border with spain. we are planning on it taking us three weeks to get there. this will give me over a month to get to santiago de campostela.
marie-helene has been treating us like royalty. she puts together the most amazing meals with simple ingredients. i takes photos of almost every meal and gitte is scribbling down recipes. i suppose it helps that so much produce is readily accessible here. a couple of days ago m-h and i walked to a local farmer and got fresh lettuce, oinions and radishes. on the walk there we were picking the fresh shoots of viney plants. yesterday the first course of our dinner consisted of a soup puree of the green tops of the fresh onions and the radish greens. who knew you could eat those things? the greens we picked on the way to the farm featured in the second course. so simple and so delicious.
i will end for now but hope to continue the update before we head to moissac.

1 comment:

  1. Karen - It's great to keep up with where you are. I constantly try to visualize what you describe. From the puree soup to the "rough" walking (mountainous? rocky?)...Keep writing and walking!
