Monday, December 20, 2010

Victory Tour 2011/ Tour de Fudge: The Early Years

Victory Tour 2011 is the name I gave to my nebulous, disjointed plan to celebrate turning 55, being Tier 1 in PERS and retiring.  While I was still working and I was in the middle of a crazy day I would fantasize about traveling the country, visiting everyone in my address book and completing a Volkswalk in all 50 states and all 51 capitals.

It would be great fun.  And, as I drove from here to the next point if I saw a hot springs along the way I would stop at the hot springs.

Maybe it's just me but everywhere I go I notice shops selling homemade fudge.  So, in addition to visiting everyone in my address book, completing Volkswalks and visiting hot springs I decided I would also have to sample homemade fudge along the way.  Law Clerk Leah dubbed this my Tour de Fudge

The Early Years.
Nieces Moira and Audra happened to be competing in the Western Regional Oireachtas in Sacramento, California in November.  One immediate benefit of being retired is that I don't have to worry about scheduling a vacation around work.  Come watch the girls compete in Irish dancing?  You bet!  Sacramento is the capital of California?  Even better!

So, I flew to Sacramento,
got to watch Moira and Audra dance . . .

was able to complete a Volkswalk in the capital of California. . . .  

AND on the Volkswalk I found a shop called Turtles that had incredible home made fudge. 

Not a bad way to kick of my Victory Tour 2011 even if it is the early years..


  1. Way to go, Karen! The photos are wonderful, and your narrative is just right. I can't wait to follow along -- and to make my own plans for that day in the future when I actually retire. Your plan to stop at any hot springs you pass (or any other appealing distraction, say, fudge) reminds me of my cross Texas drive a few summers ago, when I decide to stop and eat something at every Dairy Queen I passed in Texas. Fun while the attempt lasted, which was one morning of driving and 8 Dairy Queens!

  2. Hi, Karen -- a hot springs location to add to your tour might be Hot Springs, NC -- only about 3 hours from my home in Winston-Salem, NC! Of course, we would want you to stop by for a visit with us as well. (Although we don't have a hot spring we do have hot water on tap!)
